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Per la preparazione richiede 100 grammi di radice di ginseng o 30 ml di estratto. Il ginseng viene diluito con mezzo litro di acqua a proposito a casa calda e infuso per 2-3 giorni. Prendi 4 cucchiai al giorno, prima dell'uso, aggiungi al brodo miele, cannella o sciroppo. Noci con miele Per questa ricetta sono adatti arachidi, noci o noci di cedro.

Estadio Ciudad de Valencia

Location Valencia, Spain
Region Europe
Material PVC
Architect IDOM
Engineering Taiyo Europe, Maffeis Engineering S.p.A.
Application Roof
Market Sector Stadiums / Arenas
Size 9000 sqm
Year 2020

The Ciudad de Valencia stadium, with a capacity of over 26.000 seats, is the home ground of Levante UD. The stadium has been retrofitted to fulfill the requirements of LaLiga and the standards from UEFA and FIFA. The new membrane roof is covering all the stands with 28 membrane panels supported in two arches and fixed in the cable net structure. The total covered surface is around 9.000 sqm. Taiyo-Europe was responsible for the detailed engineering, fabrication and installation of the tensile membrane roof.